Turismo medico costa rica pdf

This figure is the highest amongst all countries in latin america, and is equivalent to the level in high level oecd countries and higher than. I live in costa rica and was booked on a flight to visit family. The world health organization ranked costa ricas health system as one of the top three latin america countries, ranked even higher than united states and new zealand the world bank ranked costa rica as having the highest life expectancy, at 80 years. Turismo medico en costa rica costa rica turismo scribd. Tourism in costa rica has been one of the fastest growing economic sectors of the country and by 1995 became the largest foreign exchange earner. Find out how you can benefit from some of the best cosmetic surgeons in the world, without breaking the bank. The close proximity and high standard of care in costa rica began to attract medical tourists, especially for dental work. This slideshow describes what to expect when you consider traveling to costa rica for your health care. Its capital, san jose, hosts the major international airport and is the jumping off point for exploration of its jungles, volcanoes, rainforests, and, of course, beaches. This paper explores the rise of the countrys medical tourism sector, the cost differentials between services performed there and in the u. Since 1999, tourism has earned more foreign exchange than bananas, pineapples and coffee exports combined. A relative newcomer to this field, costa rica offers a number of unique advantages that have positioned it advantageously to cater to americans. Descargue como docx, pdf, txt o lea en linea desde scribd.

Turismo medico, paciente internacional, cluster, competitividad. Medical tourism guide for costa rica anywhere, inc. Turismo medico en costa rica centralamericadata central. The hospitals are jci and aaachaccredited, and all your needs will be handled by your medical facilitator. Rising healthcare costs in the 1980s and 1990s lead patients to look overseas for more affordable options.

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